Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Working from home: Tweaking this can help you sound sharper in video meetings

Working from home now means taking lots of virtual meetings. And if you find that your colleagues can't hear you very well, or complain about distracting background noise (think kids, music, doorbells), we've got a great tip for you.

Google Maps to display virus-related transit alerts

A new version of Google's mapping service being rolled out will display pandemic-related transit alerts and let people know when buses or trains might be crowded.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Get Current GPS Coordinates on iPhone with Siri

Anyone can retrieve current GPS Coordinates on iPhone at any time by using Siri. This offers a super simple way to find GPS coordinate data, and for many users it may even be faster to use Siri than to use an alternate method like Compass app. By placing a proper request to Siri, you’ll see ... Read More